About Us

We are two upper secondary schools from Europe that have been cooperating together for over five years.  Hemne videregående skole is from mid-Norway on the west coast, roughly 100 kilometres south of Trondheim.  Lycee Jean Moulin is in Chateaulin, Brittany in France.  Both schools are very keen on international work and have already completed two succesfull Comenius projects together.  For this current project, Hemne vgs applied for, and has received, funding from Trollstipend (www.fivai.no) for which they are very grateful.  This means that 27 Norwegian students and 3 teachers will be travelling to France to visit their project friends in February 2014.  The French pupils will hopefully visit Norway in the autumn of 2014, thanks to their own funding.

We hope you enjoy reading about our work!

History of project

This project started as an eTwinning project in the latter half of 2013 and now has two working platforms - this current blog and the original eTwinning Twinspace (.https://new-twinspace.etwinning.net/web/p97363/homepage)

Our users

Our users are our pupils and teaching staff and any others who are interested in such international work.